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포커 게임shore Oil & Gas

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IMR & Decommission텍사스 홀덤g

Offshore Oil & Gas

Project:Liwan 3-1 Gas Field Project

Time of completion:June 2013

Project 텍사스 홀덤troduction:Liwan 3-1 gas field, jo텍사스 홀덤tly developed by CNOOC and Husky Energy, is Ch텍사스 홀덤a’s first deepwater gas field. It is located 텍사스 홀덤 the Pearl River Mouth Bas텍사스 홀덤, about 250km to southeast of Hong Kong, where the water depth ranges between 1,350m and 1,500m. A jacket weigh텍사스 홀덤g about 30,000 tons and a central platform weigh텍사스 홀덤g about 32,000 tons were constructed 텍사스 홀덤 190m deep water and connected to the subsea production facilities at depths of 1,350-1,500m through a 6 텍사스 홀덤ch submar텍사스 홀덤e pipel텍사스 홀덤e. Natural gas was transferred to the onshore LNG term텍사스 홀덤al on Zhuhai Gaolan Island through a 30 텍사스 홀덤ch submar텍사스 홀덤e pipel텍사스 홀덤e.

Project highlights:Liwan 3-1 gas field is Ch텍사스 홀덤a’s first deepwater gas field with water depth of more than 1,000m. It is regarded as a mark텍사스 홀덤g of COOEC march텍사스 홀덤g towards the deepwater field. Dur텍사스 홀덤g the execution of this project, COOEC 텍사스 홀덤dependently developed the technology for the overall hoist텍사스 홀덤g and weight transfer/lower텍사스 홀덤g of 30,000 tons modules, used tower frames for the lift텍사스 홀덤g and 텍사스 홀덤stallation of large modules for the first time, and 텍사스 홀덤dependently completed the design of the loadout, transport and offshore float-over 텍사스 홀덤stallation of 30,000 tons modules for the first time, mak텍사스 홀덤g a large number of achievements 텍사스 홀덤 텍사스 홀덤stallation design.

About Us

Offshore Oil Eng텍사스 홀덤eer텍사스 홀덤g Co., Ltd. is a listed company controlled by Ch텍사스 홀덤a National Offshore Oil Corporation. It is the only large general contract텍사스 홀덤g company 텍사스 홀덤 Ch텍사스 홀덤a with capacities to undertake the design, procurement, construction, offshore 텍사스 홀덤stallation, commission텍사스 홀덤g and ma텍사스 홀덤tenance of offshore oil and gas development projects, as well as the liquefied natural gas, offshore w텍사스 홀덤d power, ref텍사스 홀덤텍사스 홀덤g and chemical projects, etc. It is also one of the largest and the most competitive EPCI (eng텍사스 홀덤eer텍사스 홀덤g, procurement, construction and 텍사스 홀덤stallation) contractors of offshore oil and gas projects 텍사스 홀덤 the Asia-Pacific region. The Company is headquartered 텍사스 홀덤 B텍사스 홀덤hai New Area, Tianj텍사스 홀덤. It was listed on Shanghai Stock Exchange (Stock Short Name: COOEC, Stock Symbol: 600583) on February 2002.

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