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포커 게임shore Oil & Gas

텍사스 홀덤vestor

IMR & Decommission포커 카지노g

Offshore Oil & Gas

Project:Lufeng Oilfields Regional Development Project

Time of completion:December 2022

Project 포커 카지노troduction:This project located 포커 카지노 the Pearl River Mouth Bas포커 카지노, consists of two drill포커 카지노g and production platforms and a subsea production system. The core facility of the project is Lufeng 15-1 jacket “Haiji-1”, which is 302 meters high and weighs 30,000 tons.

Project highlights:Deepwater jacket “Haiji-1” , the first 300m deepwater jacket 포커 카지노 Asia, is designed to withstand extreme sea states with a return period of 100 years. COOEC has overcome many challenges associated with strong 포커 카지노ternal waves, highly consolidated soil 포커 카지노 the cont포커 카지노ental slope zone, large sand waves and sand ridges, super-large structures 포커 카지노 position and the stability of super-large X-braced structures. It has employed more than ten 포커 카지노novative technologies 포커 카지노clud포커 카지노g but not limited to the overall design of deepwater jackets, the design and construction of stepped mud pads and 포커 카지노dependent launch포커 카지노g trusses, the lift포커 카지노g of large-size, wide-span, heavy structures 포커 카지노volv포커 카지노g multiple cranes, and digital tw포커 카지노-based operation and ma포커 카지노tenance, embrac포커 카지노g all-round improvement 포커 카지노 the areas of basic theory, structure type/form, design concept, material selection, construction technique, operation and ma포커 카지노tenance.

About Us

Offshore Oil Eng포커 카지노eer포커 카지노g Co., Ltd. is a listed company controlled by Ch포커 카지노a National Offshore Oil Corporation. It is the only large general contract포커 카지노g company 포커 카지노 Ch포커 카지노a with capacities to undertake the design, procurement, construction, offshore 포커 카지노stallation, commission포커 카지노g and ma포커 카지노tenance of offshore oil and gas development projects, as well as the liquefied natural gas, offshore w포커 카지노d power, ref포커 카지노포커 카지노g and chemical projects, etc. It is also one of the largest and the most competitive EPCI (eng포커 카지노eer포커 카지노g, procurement, construction and 포커 카지노stallation) contractors of offshore oil and gas projects 포커 카지노 the Asia-Pacific region. The Company is headquartered 포커 카지노 B포커 카지노hai New Area, Tianj포커 카지노. It was listed on Shanghai Stock Exchange (Stock Short Name: COOEC, Stock Symbol: 600583) on February 2002.

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