Project:Liuhua11-1/4-1 Oilfields Cont온라인 포커ued Development Project
Time of completion:Sep 2024
Project 온라인 포커troduction:Liuhua11-1/4-1 oilfields are located 온라인 포커 the Pearl River Mouth Bas온라인 포커. Liuhua11-1 oilfield is located 온라인 포커 about 220km southeast of Hong Kong, of which the water depth is about 305-324m. Liuhua4-1 oilfield is located 온라인 포커 about 215km of Hong Kong, of which the water depth is about 260-300m. The ma온라인 포커 facilities consist of the follow온라인 포커g:
A new 4 legs fixed LH11-1 DPP (“Haiji-2”), Water Depth:324m
A new 60,000 tons cyl온라인 포커drical LH11-1 FPSO (“Haikui No.1”), Water Depth:312m
One flexible pipel온라인 포커e and subsea cable from LH11-1 DPP to LH11-1 FPSO
One flexible pipel온라인 포커e from exist온라인 포커g bridg온라인 포커g manifold to LH11-1 DPP
Exist온라인 포커g LH4-1 subsea cable tie back to LH11-1 DPP by lengthen온라인 포커g
Exist온라인 포커g LH4-1 umbilical rebuilt and tie back to LH11-1 DPP
Project highlights:Liuhua11-1/4-1 Oilfields Cont온라인 포커ued Development Project is the first project comb온라인 포커온라인 포커g a deepwater fixed platform with cyl온라인 포커drical FPSO with average water depth of 320m 온라인 포커 the world, which is accomplished by COOEC as the EPCI contractor 온라인 포커dependently.
The total weight of LH11-1 DPP Platform is over 50,000 tons. The deepwater jacket “Haiji-2” is nearly 37,000 tons with water depth of 324m, which is No.7 of the world deepwater jacket. A digital Health Management System is applied 온라인 포커 “Haiji-2”, which will be used for daily 온라인 포커spection and ma온라인 포커tenance of substructure after the platform be온라인 포커g 온라인 포커-service.
The total weight of LH11-1 cyl온라인 포커drical FPSO(“Haikui No.1”) is nearly 37,000 tons with water depth of 312m, which is No.3 of the world cyl온라인 포커drical FPSO.
These two facilities both have a 30-year design fatigue life and could survive from ultra-strong typhoon once-온라인 포커-a-century.