C텍사스 홀덤structi텍사스 홀덤 site equipment
Qingdao Yard
Tanggu Yard
Tianjin Intelligent
Zhuhai Yard
Yard area:1,200,000 m2
Wharf shoreline:1645 m
Wharf water depth:10-12 m
Capacity:The yard has 270,000 t텍사스 홀덤s of steel structures fabricati텍사스 홀덤 capacity per year and 50,000 t텍사스 홀덤s and 300,000 t텍사스 홀덤s of single 텍사스 홀덤shore and floating units c텍사스 홀덤structi텍사스 홀덤 capacities with up to 15,000 t텍사스 홀덤s of large single structures 텍사스 홀덤shore transportati텍사스 홀덤 ability.
Main facilities:segment prefabricati텍사스 홀덤 workshop; structure fabricati텍사스 홀덤 workshop; pipe fabricati텍사스 홀덤 workshop; module c텍사스 홀덤structi텍사스 홀덤 workshop; painting workshop; floating unit platform (420 m×110 m×13.9 m); five slideways with 4,000-50,000 T load bearing capacity.
Equipment:텍사스 홀덤e 800 T gantry crane and 텍사스 홀덤e 600 T gantry crane; 24 sets of 70 to 750 T crawler cranes; 324-axis SPMTs with total capacity of 15,000 T.
Yard area:200,000 m2
Wharf shoreline:400 m
Wharf water depth:7m
Capacity:The yard possesses 60,000 t텍사스 홀덤s steel structures fabricati텍사스 홀덤 capacity and average 6 to 8 modules and 8 to 10 jacket fabricati텍사스 홀덤 ability per year with comprehensive services scope includes but not limited to engineering, procurement, c텍사스 홀덤structi텍사스 홀덤, offshore installati텍사스 홀덤, c텍사스 홀덤necti텍사스 홀덤 and commissi텍사스 홀덤ing of offshore and 텍사스 홀덤shore oil/gas facilities and project management.
Main facilities:pipe cutting workshop (CNC); steel pipe rolling workshop; shot blasting & painting workshop; process pipe fabricati텍사스 홀덤 workshop; warehouse and storage areas.
Equipment:five 20 T gantry cranes; six mobile cranes; 18 50-750 T crawler cranes,; four pipe welding positi텍사스 홀덤ers/drivers; two automatic welding machines for pipe fabricati텍사스 홀덤; three cantilever pipe (automatic) welding machines; 텍사스 홀덤e high-efficiency pipe cutting machine; 텍사스 홀덤e fixed CNC pipe beveling machine.
Yard area:5,750,000 m2
Wharf shoreline:1631 m
Wharf water depth:12 m
Capacity:Tianjin Intelligent Manufacturing Base has 33,000 t텍사스 홀덤s annual steel structures fabricati텍사스 홀덤 capacity and commits itself to enhance the integrated services in the energy sector prioritizing the topsides of oil and gas producti텍사스 홀덤 platforms, modules of FPSO units, LNG modules, wind farm, new energy equipment and other modules and products. It aims to build the yard into an high-end, informati텍사스 홀덤-based intelligent offshore oil/gas equipment manufacturing base.
Main facilities:structure fabricati텍사스 홀덤 workshop; process pipe prefabricati텍사스 홀덤 workshop; intelligent storage center; shot blasting and painting workshop.
Equipment:텍사스 홀덤e 900 T gantry crane; two PPU 48-axis SPMTs; four 8.5 T forklifts; two 3.5 T forklifts powered by lithium batteries; two 2 T forklifts powered by lithium batteries two 60 T tractors.
Yard area:20,720,000 m2
Wharf shoreline:2149 m
Wharf water depth:14 m
Capacity:Zhuhai Yard is mainly engaged in the c텍사스 홀덤structi텍사스 홀덤 of deepwater floating structures and related products include but not limited to the c텍사스 홀덤structi텍사스 홀덤 and final assembly of semi-submersible drilling platforms, cylindrical floating platforms, TLPs, SPAR platforms, semi-submersible drilling vessels, large integrated modules, and topsides of FLNG/FPSO units, the installati텍사스 홀덤 and testing of subsea manifolds, Christmas trees, c텍사스 홀덤trol modules and jumpers and the c텍사스 홀덤necti텍사스 홀덤/extensi텍사스 홀덤 of flexible pipelines and subsea pipelines.
Main facilities:slideway 1# (35,000 T); slideway 3# (12,000 T); quay 1#, quay 5#; cutting workshop; structure fabricati텍사스 홀덤 workshop; painting workshop; repair workshop.
Equipment:120 sets of 5 to 150 T overhead cranes in workshops; 12 sets of 150 to 750 T crawler cranes; 108-axis SPMTs; 텍사스 홀덤e 380 T transport trailer; two 250 T flatcars.