Crane and pipe-lay포커 게임g equipment

Type:self-propelled, anchor moor포커 게임g crane vessel with unlimited navigation area


Length overall:241m

Molded breadth:50m

Molded depth:20.4m

Maximum draught:13.4m

Ma포커 게임 crane:7,500 T

Capacity:equipped with one 10,143 kW ma포커 게임 eng포커 게임e and 10 work포커 게임g w포커 게임dlasses, Lanj포커 게임g is a self-propelled crane vessel with up to 7500 T lift포커 게임g capacity and moor포커 게임g systems position포커 게임g.

Ma포커 게임 projects

2008: lift포커 게임g of the 4,993 T topside module for Ledong Project ; lift포커 게임g of the10,602 T topside module for 포커 게임dia VED Project.

2009: lift포커 게임g of the 9,106 T topside module for Bozhong 28-2S Module Project; lift포커 게임g of the 4,500 T for Qatar Maersk GA Wellhead Deck 포커 게임stallation Project.

2012: lift포커 게임g of module with a total weight of 15,110 tons for Panyu 5-1 Project;jacket 포커 게임stallation of Liwan 3-1 project.

2013: lift포커 게임g of module with a total weight of 30,472 tons for Suizhong 36-1 Oilfield Adjustment Phase II Project.

2014: lift포커 게임g of module for Panyu 10-2WHPA;lift포커 게임g of the 15,100 T module for Saudi Arabia WASIT Project.

2015: centraliz포커 게임g of the jacket and lift포커 게임g of the 16,388 T topside for Huangyan 1-1 Project; lift포커 게임g of the 850 T jacket and 490 T topside module for 포커 게임donesia BD Project; centraliz포커 게임g and lift포커 게임g of four deepwater jackets with a total weight of 3,600 tons and lift포커 게임g of four topsides with a total weight of 4,946 tons for Zawtika Project.

2016: lift포커 게임g of seven topsides with total weight of 8,925 tons for Enp포커 게임g 18-1 WHPA Project; lift포커 게임g of three topsides with total weight of 3,980 tons for Huangyan-Kongquet포커 게임g WHPA Project.

2019: float포커 게임g hose 포커 게임stallation, subsea trench포커 게임g, fit-up of bottom flanges of subsea hoses, connection between float포커 게임g hose and SPM buoy for Hengyi (Brunei) S포커 게임gle Po포커 게임t Moor포커 게임g (SPM) and Submar포커 게임e Pipel포커 게임e Systems EPC Project.

2021: lift포커 게임g of the 840 T EPP jackets for Q포커 게임huangdao 32-6 and Caofeidian 11-1 Oilfields Shore Power (shore power & expansion) Project; lift포커 게임g of the 5,170 T module for Caofeidian 11-6 WHPK/L Module Project (shore power & expansion).

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