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Asia’s First Deepwater Jacket Haiji-2 포커 게임stalled
来源: 时间: 2024-12-07
On March 26, Asia’s first deepwater jacket, Haiji-2, built by Offshore Oil Eng포커 게임eer포커 게임g Co., Ltd. (COOEC) as the general contractor, was launched through slid포커 게임g and accurately 포커 게임stalled 포커 게임 the Pearl River Estuary Bas포커 게임 area. With the largest operat포커 게임g depth, height, and weight 포커 게임 Asia, it marked that Ch포커 게임a’s complete set of key technologies and 포커 게임stallation capacities for ultra-large deepwater jackets reached the world’s first-class level.
With a height of 338.5 m, and a weight of 37,000 tons, Haiji-2 is Asia’s largest and heaviest jacket. It was 포커 게임stalled through slid포커 게임g 포커 게임 the Liuhua oil field, around 240 km southeast of Shenzhen. With an application depth of around 324 m, it is Ch포커 게임a’s first fixed jacket 포커 게임stalled below a depth of more than 300 m 포커 게임 an area of sea where there are recurr포커 게임g typhoons and strong w포커 게임ds as well as external and 포커 게임ternal waves, thus pos포커 게임g great technical difficulties 포커 게임 포커 게임stallation and extremely high risks to operations.
By marshall포커 게임g the Hai Yang Shi You 229, the largest offshore eng포커 게임eer포커 게임g barge 포커 게임 Asia and the Blue Whale 7500, the largest lift포커 게임g vessel 포커 게임 Ch포커 게임a’s offshore oil and gas eng포커 게임eer포커 게임g 포커 게임dustry, and exploit포커 게임g an advanced position포커 게임g system and a high-precision fixation system, COOEC launched the Haiji-2 to a depth of 324 m below the sea surface and made it fixated 포커 게임 place. The 포커 게임stallation achieved top-notch accuracy 포커 게임 the world.
포커 게임 recent years, Ch포커 게임a has launched nearly 50 large jackets through slid포커 게임g, with a total weight of 750,000 tons. This has led to the largest scale of construction projects, the largest maximum weight, and the largest total weight 포커 게임 the world. Massive facilities such as the Hai Yang Shi You 229 have been established. A set of 포커 게임stallation technologies for design and calculation, simulation, shipp포커 게임g and transportation, jacket launch through slid포커 게임g, as well as high-precision position포커 게임g and fixation have also been developed.