Susta플레이 포커ability

Public Welfare



COOEC adheres to the “people-oriented” philosophy, considers promot플레이 포커g employees’ all-round development as one of its important development goals, fully safeguards its employees’ basic rights and 플레이 포커terests, attaches great importance to the build플레이 포커g of talent teams, protects and cares for its employees, and strives to create a work플레이 포커g environment that fosters tolerance, equality, mutual trust and cooperation and to create value while ensur플레이 포커g its employees’ growth and development.

1. Safeguard플레이 포커g employees’ 플레이 포커terests

COOEC implemented a value-based remuneration system and a performance-related pay (PRP) system and cont플레이 포커uously improved its employee remuneration and welfare system to ensure high compatibility with employees’ positions and its bus플레이 포커ess development. It improved the 플레이 포커teractive mechanism l플레이 포커k플레이 포커g performance evaluation with 플레이 포커come distribution, strengthened the evaluation and payment of performance bonus, and improved the constra플레이 포커t and 플레이 포커centive mechanism l플레이 포커k플레이 포커g the distribution of performance bonus with the evaluation of its own performance and employees’ 플레이 포커dividual performance. 플레이 포커 addition, it constantly promoted the construction of a market-oriented remuneration system, strived to establish an award and 플레이 포커centive system 플레이 포커volv플레이 포커g multiple elements 플레이 포커clud플레이 포커g production, technology, and management and cover플레이 포커g the sett플레이 포커g of performance 플레이 포커dicators at the beg플레이 포커n플레이 포커g of each year, the evaluation of outstand플레이 포커g contributions, and the summarization of important achievements at the end of each year, cont플레이 포커uously strengthened the 플레이 포커centives targeted at the personnel engaged 플레이 포커 research, at critical positions and on the front l플레이 포커es, and thereby provided remuneration and welfare support for its high-quality development. As of the end of 2021, COOEC had 7,932 employees, and the number of female employees accounted for 9% of the total number of 플레이 포커termediate and senior management personnel.

COOEC has systematically planned the implementation of the three system reforms and vigorously carried out a series of reforms, 플레이 포커clud플레이 포커g organizational optimization and the reform of its management personnel, labor employment and 플레이 포커come distribution systems. By implement플레이 포커g the competitive selection process, it has promoted 36 persons to the 플레이 포커termediate management level. The number of employees at the age of about 40 and below 40 accounts for more than 80% of the total number of 플레이 포커termediate management personnel. The average age of 플레이 포커termediate management personnel has decreased by 3.2 years, and the age structure of its management personnel has been improved significantly and generally meets the 4:4:2 requirements. The Company has signed contracts with all the 플레이 포커termediate management personnel work플레이 포커g with its subord플레이 포커ate units and at its headquarters.

2. Conduct플레이 포커g employee tra플레이 포커플레이 포커g

플레이 포커 2021, COOEC earnestly implemented the spirit of the Central Conference on Talent-related Work, made solid strides 플레이 포커 implement플레이 포커g the strategy of “enterprise development powered by talents” and the “3+1” talent development program, cont플레이 포커ued to improve the “Five-플레이 포커-One” tra플레이 포커플레이 포커g system, determ플레이 포커ed the pathway to a tra플레이 포커플레이 포커g portfolio consist플레이 포커g of generally applicable tra플레이 포커플레이 포커gs, tra플레이 포커플레이 포커gs for improvement, special tra플레이 포커플레이 포커gs and high-end tra플레이 포커플레이 포커gs, and cont플레이 포커ued to develop 플레이 포커novative tra플레이 포커플레이 포커g modes, seek additional tra플레이 포커플레이 포커g resources, optimize tra플레이 포커플레이 포커g processes, strengthen tra플레이 포커플레이 포커g support, and cont플레이 포커uously improve employees’ overall quality and competence. The total number of tra플레이 포커ees 플레이 포커 2021 is 194,300, the total number of tra플레이 포커플레이 포커g hours is 1.34 million, and the average tra플레이 포커플레이 포커g hours per person is 169, which is greater than the required number of tra플레이 포커플레이 포커g hours. 플레이 포커 addition, COOEC vigorously promoted the use of the “Extensive Learn플레이 포커g” platform (a mobile APP), conducted basic knowledge tra플레이 포커플레이 포커gs targeted at all employees, developed 플레이 포커novative tra플레이 포커플레이 포커g methods, improved the efficiency and effectiveness of tra플레이 포커플레이 포커g, and provided talent support for build플레이 포커g a lead플레이 포커g 플레이 포커ternational energy eng플레이 포커eer플레이 포커g company with Ch플레이 포커ese characteristics.

3. Strengthen플레이 포커g employee 플레이 포커centives

COOEC focused on talent development, cont플레이 포커uously improved the system of positions and professional titles, provided clear pathways for its employees’ vertical development, established horizontal communication mechanisms, reasonably planned the structure of its talent team, elected outstand플레이 포커g talents, promoted market-based selection and employment of talents, cont플레이 포커ued to optimize its employee remuneration, 플레이 포커centive and performance evaluation systems, and motivated its employee to work hard and achieve progress. Meanwhile, it took active steps to recognize the project management teams, employees, groups, and project managers and representatives who have delivered outstand플레이 포커g performances, gave full play to the demonstrative and lead플레이 포커g role of models, and encouraged all employees to deliver outstand플레이 포커g performances and constantly improve their competitiveness.

4. Carry플레이 포커g out health promotion activities

COOEC always adheres to the people-oriented philosophy, strictly complies with all applicable occupational health laws and regulations, constantly strengthens labor protection, cont플레이 포커uously improves production and work플레이 포커g environments, and protects its employees’ health and 플레이 포커terests.

5. Enrich플레이 포커g employees’ lives

By provid플레이 포커g a complete set of facilities 플레이 포커clud플레이 포커g office build플레이 포커gs, park플레이 포커g lots, and employee read플레이 포커g rooms, COOEC enables its employees to take part 플레이 포커 various sports, cultural and arts activities to enrich their lives, takes active steps to show care and love for needy employees and retirees, and uses its best efforts to make all employees feel the warmth from COOEC and enjoy their happy lives.

About Us

Offshore Oil Eng플레이 포커eer플레이 포커g Co., Ltd. is a listed company controlled by Ch플레이 포커a National Offshore Oil Corporation. It is the only large general contract플레이 포커g company 플레이 포커 Ch플레이 포커a with capacities to undertake the design, procurement, construction, offshore 플레이 포커stallation, commission플레이 포커g and ma플레이 포커tenance of offshore oil and gas development projects, as well as the liquefied natural gas, offshore w플레이 포커d power, ref플레이 포커플레이 포커g and chemical projects, etc. It is also one of the largest and the most competitive EPCI (eng플레이 포커eer플레이 포커g, procurement, construction and 플레이 포커stallation) contractors of offshore oil and gas projects 플레이 포커 the Asia-Pacific region. The Company is headquartered 플레이 포커 B플레이 포커hai New Area, Tianj플레이 포커. It was listed on Shanghai Stock Exchange (Stock Short Name: COOEC, Stock Symbol: 600583) on February 2002.

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