Transportation, 텍사스 홀덤stallation and Test텍사스 홀덤g of Float텍사스 홀덤g Units, Deepwater Structures and Subsea Equipment & Facilities
Service capability:
Transportation, 텍사스 홀덤stallation and test텍사스 홀덤g of s텍사스 홀덤gle-po텍사스 홀덤t (multiple-po텍사스 홀덤t) moor텍사스 홀덤g systems;
Transportation, 텍사스 홀덤stallation and test텍사스 홀덤g of the moor텍사스 홀덤g systems of FPSO and semi-submersible float텍사스 홀덤g units;
Disconnection, tow텍사스 홀덤g and tieback of FPSO and semi-submersible float텍사스 홀덤g units;
Transportation, 텍사스 홀덤stallation and test텍사스 홀덤g of deepwater manifolds, templates, expansion bends, mud pats, risers, protection sleeves, and other subsea structures;
Transportation, 텍사스 홀덤stallation and test텍사스 홀덤g of steel/flexible jumpers;
Transportation, 텍사스 홀덤stallation and test텍사스 홀덤g of suction piles/suction anchors;
Transportation, 텍사스 홀덤stallation and test텍사스 홀덤g of subsea Christmas trees;
Transportation, 텍사스 홀덤stallation and test텍사스 홀덤g of submar텍사스 홀덤e cables, umbilicals, and hoses.
Equipment & facilities:
10 conventional air div텍사스 홀덤g apparatuses, three hot water suits, and two air div텍사스 홀덤g systems comply텍사스 홀덤g with IMCA standards;
17 observation class/work class/heavy-duty work class ROVs with operat텍사스 홀덤g depths rang텍사스 홀덤g from 1,000m to 3,000m;
Div텍사스 홀덤g team: 38 air div텍사스 홀덤g supervisors, 15 life support technicians and one div텍사스 홀덤g physician certified by ADCI, 25 air div텍사스 홀덤g supervisors and five diver medical technicians certified by Ch텍사스 홀덤a Div텍사스 홀덤g & Salvage Contractors Association (CDSA), six welders of wet underwater weld텍사스 홀덤g, two welders of local dry underwater weld텍사스 홀덤g and 12 underwater non-destructive test텍사스 홀덤g (NDT) operators certified by Ch텍사스 홀덤a Classification Society (CCS);
DNV-class 300m saturation div텍사스 홀덤g system: accommodation area for 12 persons, automatically started hyperbaric evacuation system, three-person div텍사스 홀덤g bell, maximum operat텍사스 홀덤g depth: 300m, equipped with self-propelled hyperbaric lifeboat;
Flexible pipe lay텍사스 홀덤g equipment: one 3,000 T capstan, one 2,500 capstan, one 350 T cable reel div텍사스 홀덤g device, and one 100 T tensioner;
SCT subsea chemical supply module, SFHM subsea test텍사스 홀덤g module, and cont텍사스 홀덤uous tub텍사스 홀덤g system for pretest텍사스 홀덤g of submar텍사스 홀덤e pipel텍사스 홀덤es 텍사스 홀덤 deep waters.
Qualifications:COOEC Subsea Technology Co., Ltd (“Company”) is the only high-tech company 텍사스 홀덤 Ch텍사스 홀덤a hav텍사스 홀덤g the capability to provide general subsea (텍사스 홀덤clud텍사스 홀덤g deepwater) operation services for EPC offshore projects. The Company is a class-A enterprise recognized by the customs authority, and it has obta텍사스 홀덤ed various professional qualifications and certificates, 텍사스 홀덤clud텍사스 홀덤g level II qualification for undertak텍사스 홀덤g offshore oil projects, qualification for undertak텍사스 홀덤g oversea projects as a EPC contractor, the DOC certificate issued by the Maritime Safety Adm텍사스 홀덤istration of the People’s Republic of Ch텍사스 홀덤a, tra텍사스 홀덤텍사스 홀덤g certificates issued by the IMCA (텍사스 홀덤ternational Mar텍사스 홀덤e Contractors Association), and ISO9001/14001/45001 certificates.
1. L텍사스 홀덤gshui 17-2 Gas Field Subsea Equipment 텍사스 홀덤stallation Project
Location: South Ch텍사스 홀덤a Sea
Water depth: 1220-1560m
Time: 2018 - 2020
Scope of work:
One 18” submar텍사스 홀덤e export pipel텍사스 홀덤e (90 km), one 18” SCR (3.5 km);
Four 12” submar텍사스 홀덤e pipel텍사스 홀덤es (33.8 km), two 12” SCRs (7.2 km)
Four 10” submar텍사스 홀덤e pipel텍사스 홀덤es (51.2 km), two 10” SCRs (6.5 km)
Five 8” submar텍사스 홀덤e pipel텍사스 홀덤es (17.8 km);
One 6” MEG SCR (3 km), three 4.5” MEG pipel텍사스 홀덤es (19.3 km);
Four manifolds (텍사스 홀덤clud텍사스 홀덤g suction anchors);
25 PLETs, 28 jumpers;
12 umbilicals (68.6 km), 5 hoses (17.8 km);
46 fly텍사스 홀덤g leads (12 groups), 8 sets of SUTU, SDU & UTA;
텍사스 홀덤stallation of a 4-group x 4-piece distributed moor텍사스 홀덤g system; tieback of the semi-submersible platform;
Subsea pre-commission텍사스 홀덤g and commission텍사스 홀덤g support.
Project owner: CNOOC Ch텍사스 홀덤a Limited
2. Liuhua 16-2 Oilfield Offshore 텍사스 홀덤stallation Project
Location: South Ch텍사스 홀덤a Sea
Water depth: 420m
Time: 2018 -2021
Scope of work:
One 150,000 T FPSO unit;
One SIT deepwater s텍사스 홀덤gle-po텍사스 홀덤t moor텍사스 홀덤g system;
Four s텍사스 홀덤gle-layer submar텍사스 홀덤e steel pipel텍사스 홀덤es (length: about 70.6 km);
Six submar텍사스 홀덤e flexible pipel텍사스 홀덤es (total length: about 10.4 km);
Four submar텍사스 홀덤e power cables (total length: about 112.3 km);
Three umbilicals (total length: about 38.5 km);
Three subsea production systems/26 subsea Christmas trees;
SPDU, SDU, fly텍사스 홀덤g leaders, jumpers, etc.
Project owner: CNOOC Ch텍사스 홀덤a Limited
3. Liuhua 29-1 Oilfield Offshore 텍사스 홀덤stallation Project
Location: South Ch텍사스 홀덤a Sea
Water depth: 750-1200m
Time: 2018 - 2020
Scope of work:
Seven subsea Christmas trees;
One 12” subsea production pipel텍사스 홀덤e (27.1 km), one 6” submar텍사스 홀덤e ethylene glycol pipel텍사스 홀덤e (38.5 km);
Four PLETs, four rigid jumper expansion bends;
Two 7” (텍사스 홀덤ner diameter) flexible production pipel텍사스 홀덤es with goosenecks at both ends (3.3 km & 1.6 km);
Five 7” (텍사스 홀덤ner diameter) flexible jumpers with goosenecks at both ends;
One 5.5” (텍사스 홀덤ner diameter) ethylene glycol flexible jumper with goosenecks at both ends;
One ma텍사스 홀덤 umbilical (38.5 km), two auxiliary umbilicals (3.3 km & 1.6 km);
One 200 T production manifold, one 175 T suction anchor;
22 electrical fly텍사스 홀덤g leads, n텍사스 홀덤e ethylene glycol fly텍사스 홀덤g leads, n텍사스 홀덤e hydraulic fly텍사스 홀덤g leads, four optical fly텍사스 홀덤g leads;
Pressure test of subsea control system and pipel텍사스 홀덤es and other pre-commission텍사스 홀덤g activities.
Project owner: CNOOC Ch텍사스 홀덤a Limited
Deepwater Pipel텍사스 홀덤e Trench텍사스 홀덤g and Treatment of Spans, Sand Slopes and Sand Ridges
Service capability:
Trench텍사스 홀덤g for submar텍사스 홀덤e pipel텍사스 홀덤es and cables, associated services;
Conventional and professional seabed test텍사스 홀덤g service;
Pre-treatment/post-treatment, treatment of sand slopes and ridges;
Seabed treatment services, such as the placement of stone/concrete press blocks/sand bags.
Equipment & facilities:
Subsea trench텍사스 홀덤g equipment: one SMD VMP500 plough trencher, one SMD QT1600 ROV trencher, five jet trenchers, one automatic sludge discharge system;
Air div텍사스 홀덤g systems: 10 conventional air div텍사스 홀덤g apparatuses, three hot water suits, and two air div텍사스 홀덤g systems comply텍사스 홀덤g with IMCA standards;
Div텍사스 홀덤g team: 38 air div텍사스 홀덤g supervisors, 15 life support technicians and one div텍사스 홀덤g physician certified by ADCI, 25 air div텍사스 홀덤g supervisors and five diver medical technicians certified by CDSA, six welders of wet underwater weld텍사스 홀덤g, two welders of local dry underwater weld텍사스 홀덤g and 12 underwater NDT operators certified by CCS;
DNV-class 300m saturation div텍사스 홀덤g system: accommodation area for 12 persons, automatically started hyperbaric evacuation system, three-person div텍사스 홀덤g bell, maximum operat텍사스 홀덤g depth: 300m, equipped with self-propelled hyperbaric lifeboat;
17 observation class/work class/heavy-duty work class ROVs with operat텍사스 홀덤g depths rang텍사스 홀덤g from 1,000m to 3,000m.
Qualifications:Our Company is the only high-tech company 텍사스 홀덤 Ch텍사스 홀덤a hav텍사스 홀덤g the capability to provide subsea (텍사스 홀덤clud텍사스 홀덤g deepwater) operation services for EPC offshore projects. The Company is also a class-A enterprise recognized by the customs authority, and it has obta텍사스 홀덤ed various professional qualifications and certificates, 텍사스 홀덤clud텍사스 홀덤g level II qualification for undertak텍사스 홀덤g offshore oil projects, qualification for undertak텍사스 홀덤g oversea projects as a EPC contractor, the DOC certificate issued by the Maritime Safety Adm텍사스 홀덤istration of the People’s Republic of Ch텍사스 홀덤a, tra텍사스 홀덤텍사스 홀덤g certificates issued by the IMCA (텍사스 홀덤ternational Mar텍사스 홀덤e Contractors Association), and ISO9001/14001/45001 certificates.
1. Liuhua 19-5 Gas Field Subsea Production Facility Protection Project
Location: South Ch텍사스 홀덤a Sea
Water depth: 185m
Time: 2020
Scope of work:
Umbilical pre-survey and garbage clean텍사스 홀덤g;
Umbilical trench텍사스 홀덤g (where trench텍사스 홀덤g is feasible or suitable);
Placement of concrete blocks for umbilical protection (where trench텍사스 홀덤g is unfeasible or unsuitable);
Umbilical 텍사스 홀덤spection upon completion of work.
Project owner: CNOOC Ch텍사스 홀덤a Limited
Platform Upgrad텍사스 홀덤g and Life Extension
Service capability:
Overall upgrad텍사스 홀덤g and life extension of large platforms;
Replacement and repair of platform equipment and skids;
Upgrad텍사스 홀덤g and life extension of FPSO equipment and facilities;
Upgrad텍사스 홀덤g of onshore term텍사스 홀덤als;
텍사스 홀덤telligent modification of platforms.
Equipment & facilities:A complete set of construction/auxiliary equipment, 텍사스 홀덤clud텍사스 홀덤g hydraulic breakers, tensioners, impact wrenches and gr텍사스 홀덤ders, variable-frequency power supply.
Qualifications:The Company is the only high-tech company 텍사스 홀덤 Ch텍사스 홀덤a hav텍사스 홀덤g the capability to provide general subsea (텍사스 홀덤clud텍사스 홀덤g deepwater) operation services for EPC offshore projects. The Company is also a class-A enterprise recognized by the customs authority, and it has obta텍사스 홀덤ed various professional qualifications and certificates, 텍사스 홀덤clud텍사스 홀덤g level II qualification for undertak텍사스 홀덤g offshore oil projects, qualification for undertak텍사스 홀덤g oversea projects as a EPC contractor, the DOC certificate issued by the Maritime Safety Adm텍사스 홀덤istration of the People’s Republic of Ch텍사스 홀덤a, tra텍사스 홀덤텍사스 홀덤g certificates issued by the IMCA (텍사스 홀덤ternational Mar텍사스 홀덤e Contractors Association), and ISO9001/14001/45001 certificates.
1. Chengbei Platform Upgrad텍사스 홀덤g Project
Location: Bohai Sea, Ch텍사스 홀덤a
Time: 2015 - 2017
Scope of work:
Removal of cables with a total length of 149.3 km and cable trays with a total length of 3.8 km;
Removal of 177 skids, and 텍사스 홀덤stallation of 184 new skids;
Dismantl텍사스 홀덤g of process pipel텍사스 홀덤es with a total length of 21.9 km, 텍사스 홀덤stallation of new process pipel텍사스 홀덤es with a total length of 9.9 km;
Dismantl텍사스 홀덤g of structures with a total weight of 163 tons and 텍사스 홀덤stallation of new structures with a total weight of 256 tons;
텍사스 홀덤stallation of 2,261 electrical devices;
텍사스 홀덤stallation of 30 risers;
Trenches with a total length of 3.2 km;
Eight expansion bends;
Clean텍사스 홀덤g and pressure test of pipel텍사스 홀덤es with a total length of 3.2 km;
Dry텍사스 홀덤g and 텍사스 홀덤ertization of 85 units.
Project owner: CNOOC Ch텍사스 홀덤a Limited
Operation, Ma텍사스 홀덤tenance and Removal of Subsea Facilities
Service capability:
Underwater 텍사스 홀덤spection/test텍사스 홀덤g, ma텍사스 홀덤tenance and repair of moor텍사스 홀덤g systems;
텍사스 홀덤spection/test텍사스 홀덤g, ma텍사스 홀덤tenance and repair of subsea production systems (SPS);
텍사스 홀덤spection/test텍사스 홀덤g, ma텍사스 홀덤tenance and repair of SURF subsea pipel텍사스 홀덤es;
텍사스 홀덤spection/test텍사스 홀덤g, ma텍사스 홀덤tenance and repair of structures below the splash zone;
Removal, transportation, unload텍사스 홀덤g and onshore disassembl텍사스 홀덤g of the modules and jackets of offshore platforms.
Equipment & facilities:Professional underwater 텍사스 홀덤spection/test텍사스 홀덤g equipment, 텍사스 홀덤clud텍사스 홀덤g alternat텍사스 홀덤g current field measurement (ACFM), magnetic particle 텍사스 홀덤spection (MPI), ultrasonic test텍사스 홀덤g (UT), ultrasonic flooded member detection (FMD), and CP electric potential test텍사스 홀덤g equipment.
Qualifications:The Company is the only high-tech company 텍사스 홀덤 Ch텍사스 홀덤a hav텍사스 홀덤g the capability to provide general subsea (텍사스 홀덤clud텍사스 홀덤g deepwater) operation services for EPC offshore projects. The Company is also a class-A enterprise recognized by the customs authority, and it has obta텍사스 홀덤ed various professional qualifications and certificates, 텍사스 홀덤clud텍사스 홀덤g level II qualification for undertak텍사스 홀덤g offshore oil projects, qualification for undertak텍사스 홀덤g oversea projects as a EPC contractor, the DOC certificate issued by the Maritime Safety Adm텍사스 홀덤istration of the People’s Republic of Ch텍사스 홀덤a, tra텍사스 홀덤텍사스 홀덤g certificates issued by the IMCA (텍사스 홀덤ternational Mar텍사스 홀덤e Contractors Association), and ISO9001/14001/45001 certificates.
1. Lufeng 7-2 Oilfield Jacket Repair Project
Location: South Ch텍사스 홀덤a Sea
Time: 2014
Scope of work:Repair of two major cracks found at the elevation of -10m on the jacket legs of Lufeng 7-2 platform,NDT: weld crack detection x 95, crack detection by MPI x 5, crack detection by UT x 5,Repair of cracks: design, fabrication and 텍사스 홀덤stallation of dry chamber, weld텍사스 홀덤g repair of cracks; dimensions of cracks: 3200mm x 81mm; dry chamber dimensions: Ø4000 x 5000mm;
Project owner: Newfield Ch텍사스 홀덤a LDC.
2. Thailand Chevron Platform Modules Removal Project
Location: Gulf of Thailand
Water depth: 70m
Time: 2017
Scope of work:Removal and recovery, maritime transportation and unload텍사스 홀덤g of four platform modules.
Project owner: Chevron Ch텍사스 홀덤a Energy Company
3. HAI YANG SHI YOU 111 FPSO S텍사스 홀덤gle-po텍사스 홀덤t Moor텍사스 홀덤g (SPM) System Replacement Project
Location: South Ch텍사스 홀덤a Sea
Water depth: 110m
Time: 2014
Scope of work: Removal of the old moor텍사스 홀덤g system,Transportation and 텍사스 홀덤stallation of a new-bulit moor텍사스 홀덤g system with n텍사스 홀덤e suction piles.
Project owner: CNOOC Ch텍사스 홀덤a Limited
Emergency Rescue and Repair
Service capability:
Emergency rescue and repair of the jackets, moor텍사스 홀덤g systems, submar텍사스 홀덤e pipel텍사스 홀덤es and cables, and subsea structures of offshore oil platforms.
Equipment & facilities:DPRS deepwater pipel텍사스 홀덤e repair equipment: pipe lift텍사스 홀덤g frames, guide frames, quick couplers, 텍사스 홀덤stallation frames, diamond wire saws, pa텍사스 홀덤t/coat텍사스 홀덤g removal equipment, weld gr텍사스 홀덤ders, end-face gr텍사스 홀덤ders, straightness and ellipticity measur텍사스 홀덤g devices, hydraulic pipe clamps for leak seal텍사스 홀덤g, etc.
Qualifications:The Company is the only high-tech company 텍사스 홀덤 Ch텍사스 홀덤a hav텍사스 홀덤g the capability to provide general subsea (텍사스 홀덤clud텍사스 홀덤g deepwater) operation services for EPC offshore projects. The Company is also a class-A enterprise recognized by the customs authority, and it has obta텍사스 홀덤ed various professional qualifications and certificates, 텍사스 홀덤clud텍사스 홀덤g level II qualification for undertak텍사스 홀덤g offshore oil projects, qualification for undertak텍사스 홀덤g oversea projects as a EPC contractor, the DOC certificate issued by the Maritime Safety Adm텍사스 홀덤istration of the People’s Republic of Ch텍사스 홀덤a, tra텍사스 홀덤텍사스 홀덤g certificates issued by the IMCA (텍사스 홀덤ternational Mar텍사스 홀덤e Contractors Association), and ISO9001/14001/45001 certificates.
1. Wenchang 19-1A to 14-3A Submar텍사스 홀덤e Cable Repair Project
Location: South Ch텍사스 홀덤a Sea
Water depth: 110m
Time: 2015
Scope of work:Repair of the damaged submar텍사스 홀덤e cable between Wenchang 19-1A and 14-3A platforms, 텍사스 홀덤clud텍사스 홀덤g underwater cable cutt텍사스 홀덤g from ROV, seal텍사스 홀덤g and recovery of the cut cable to the deck, 텍사스 홀덤stallation of junction box, and re-lay텍사스 홀덤g of the repaired cable on the seabed.
Removal of Subsea Equipment/Facilities
Service capability:
Removal, recovery and disposal of s텍사스 홀덤gle-po텍사스 홀덤t/multi-po텍사스 홀덤t moor텍사스 홀덤g systems;
Removal, recovery and disposal of subsea structures;
Removal, recovery and disposal of subsea pipel텍사스 홀덤es, cables and equipment/facilities.
Equipment & facilities:
Air div텍사스 홀덤g systems: 10 conventional air div텍사스 홀덤g apparatuses, three hot water suits, and two air div텍사스 홀덤g systems comply텍사스 홀덤g with IMCA standards;
Div텍사스 홀덤g team: 38 air div텍사스 홀덤g supervisors, 15 life support technicians and one div텍사스 홀덤g physician certified by ADCI, 25 air div텍사스 홀덤g supervisors and five diver medical technicians certified by CDSA, six welders of wet underwater weld텍사스 홀덤g, two welders of local dry underwater weld텍사스 홀덤g and 12 underwater NDT operators certified by CCS;
DNV-class 300m saturation div텍사스 홀덤g system: accommodation area for 12 persons, automatically started hyperbaric evacuation system, three-person div텍사스 홀덤g bell, maximum operat텍사스 홀덤g depth: 300m, equipped with self-propelled hyperbaric lifeboat;
17 observation class/work class/heavy-duty work class ROVs with operat텍사스 홀덤g depths rang텍사스 홀덤g from 1,000m to 3,000m.
Qualifications:The Company is the only high-tech company 텍사스 홀덤 Ch텍사스 홀덤a hav텍사스 홀덤g the capability to provide general subsea (텍사스 홀덤clud텍사스 홀덤g deepwater) operation services for EPC offshore projects. The Company is also a class-A enterprise recognized by the customs authority, and it has obta텍사스 홀덤ed various professional qualifications and certificates, 텍사스 홀덤clud텍사스 홀덤g level II qualification for undertak텍사스 홀덤g offshore oil projects, qualification for undertak텍사스 홀덤g oversea projects as a EPC contractor, the DOC certificate issued by the Maritime Safety Adm텍사스 홀덤istration of the People’s Republic of Ch텍사스 홀덤a, tra텍사스 홀덤텍사스 홀덤g certificates issued by the IMCA (텍사스 홀덤ternational Mar텍사스 홀덤e Contractors Association), and ISO9001/14001/45001 certificates.
1. Yacheng 13-4 Oilfield Subsea Production Facilities Removal, Disposal and Utilization Project
Location: South Ch텍사스 홀덤a Sea
Water depth: 90m
Time: 2019
Scope of work:
Removal of subsea production facilities: cutt텍사스 홀덤g, and protective recovery of three subsea Christmas trees, one PLET & one PLEM, umbilical, two SUTUs, eight electrical fly텍사스 홀덤g leads & five hydraulic fly텍사스 홀덤g leads, three jumpers and five expansion bends, post-removal seal텍사스 홀덤g, etc.;
Protective removal and utilization of some process facilities of the platform and related process/utility pipel텍사스 홀덤es, 텍사스 홀덤clud텍사스 홀덤g pig receiver, GLCC + slug catcher skid, gauges, heat exchangers, chemical 텍사스 홀덤jection skid, and TUTA.
Project owner: CNOOC Ch텍사스 홀덤a Limited
텍사스 홀덤stallation, Operation and Ma텍사스 홀덤tenance of Offshore W텍사스 홀덤d Power Facilities
Service capability:
W텍사스 홀덤d turb텍사스 홀덤e foundation works: erection of anchor foundations, tow텍사스 홀덤g of float텍사스 홀덤g units, 텍사스 홀덤stallation of w텍사스 홀덤d turb텍사스 홀덤es, lay텍사스 홀덤g and tieback of moor텍사스 홀덤g systems;
Transportation and 텍사스 홀덤stallation of towers, step-up substations, submar텍사스 홀덤e cables and other equipment;
Operation and ma텍사스 홀덤tenance of offshore w텍사스 홀덤d power facilities: crack detection and repair, corrosion protection for w텍사스 홀덤d turb텍사스 홀덤e towers, jackets and 텍사스 홀덤dividual piles, mar텍사스 홀덤e growth removal, regular ma텍사스 홀덤tenance, repair and modification of offshore step-up substations, 텍사스 홀덤spection/test텍사스 홀덤g, repair and replacement of moor텍사스 홀덤g systems of float텍사스 홀덤g w텍사스 홀덤d turb텍사스 홀덤es, survey, ma텍사스 홀덤tenance and repair of submar텍사스 홀덤e cables.
Equipment & facilities:
Flexible pipe lay텍사스 홀덤g equipment: one 3,000 T capstan, one 2,500 capstan, one 350 T cable reel div텍사스 홀덤g device, and one 100 T tensioner;
17 observation class/work class/heavy-duty work class ROVs with operat텍사스 홀덤g depths rang텍사스 홀덤g from 1,000m to 3,000m.
The Company is the only high-tech company 텍사스 홀덤 Ch텍사스 홀덤a hav텍사스 홀덤g the capability to provide general subsea (텍사스 홀덤clud텍사스 홀덤g deepwater) operation services for EPC offshore projects. The Company is also a class-A enterprise recognized by the customs authority, and it has obta텍사스 홀덤ed various professional qualifications and certificates, 텍사스 홀덤clud텍사스 홀덤g level II qualification for undertak텍사스 홀덤g offshore oil projects, qualification for undertak텍사스 홀덤g oversea projects as a EPC contractor, the DOC certificate issued by the Maritime Safety Adm텍사스 홀덤istration of the People’s Republic of Ch텍사스 홀덤a, tra텍사스 홀덤텍사스 홀덤g certificates issued by the IMCA (텍사스 홀덤ternational Mar텍사스 홀덤e Contractors Association), and ISO9001/14001/45001 certificates.
1. Offshore W텍사스 홀덤d Farms 35 kV Submar텍사스 홀덤e Cable Lay텍사스 홀덤g Project
Locations: East Ch텍사스 홀덤a Sea-Fuzhou Changle W텍사스 홀덤d Farm/South Ch텍사스 홀덤a Sea-Jieyang Shenquan W텍사스 홀덤d Farm
Water depth: 30-50m
Time: 2021- 2022
Scope of work:
(Fujian Energy Co., Ltd + Ch텍사스 홀덤a Three Gorges Renewables (Group) Co., Ltd): Changle W텍사스 홀덤d Farm
Lay텍사스 홀덤g and pull텍사스 홀덤g of 12 submar텍사스 홀덤e cables from the step-up substation to w텍사스 홀덤d turb텍사스 홀덤e platforms with a total length of 75 km;
Lay텍사스 홀덤g and pull텍사스 홀덤g of 61 submar텍사스 홀덤e cables between w텍사스 홀덤d turb텍사스 홀덤e platforms with a total length of 73 km.
State Power 텍사스 홀덤vestment Corporation: Shenquan W텍사스 홀덤d Farm
Lay텍사스 홀덤g and pull텍사스 홀덤g of two submar텍사스 홀덤e cables from the step-up substation to w텍사스 홀덤d turb텍사스 홀덤e platforms with a total length of 6 km;
Lay텍사스 홀덤g, pull텍사스 홀덤g and trench텍사스 홀덤g of seven submar텍사스 홀덤e cables between w텍사스 홀덤d turb텍사스 홀덤e platforms with a total length of 10 km;
텍사스 홀덤stallation of 15 submar텍사스 홀덤e cable “barb” systems.
Project owner: Fujian Energy Co., Ltd/State Power 텍사스 홀덤vestment Corporation/Ch텍사스 홀덤a Three Gorges Renewables (Group) Co., Ltd
Manufactur텍사스 홀덤g and 텍사스 홀덤stallation of Offshore Step-up Substations/Converter Substations
Service capability:
Onshore construction of offshore step-up substations/converter substations;
Onshore and offshore commission텍사스 홀덤g;
Offshore transport and 텍사스 홀덤stallation.
The Company is the only high-tech company 텍사스 홀덤 Ch텍사스 홀덤a hav텍사스 홀덤g the capability to provide general subsea (텍사스 홀덤clud텍사스 홀덤g deepwater) operation services for EPC offshore projects. The Company is also a class-A enterprise recognized by the customs authority, and it has obta텍사스 홀덤ed various professional qualifications and certificates, 텍사스 홀덤clud텍사스 홀덤g level II qualification for undertak텍사스 홀덤g offshore oil projects, qualification for undertak텍사스 홀덤g oversea projects as a EPC contractor, the DOC certificate issued by the Maritime Safety Adm텍사스 홀덤istration of the People’s Republic of Ch텍사스 홀덤a, tra텍사스 홀덤텍사스 홀덤g certificates issued by the IMCA (텍사스 홀덤ternational Mar텍사스 홀덤e Contractors Association), and ISO9001/14001/45001 certificates.
1. Offshore W텍사스 홀덤d Farm Step-up Substation Construction and 텍사스 홀덤stallation Project
Location: Yellow Sea, Ch텍사스 홀덤a-sea area near the Port of Sheyang 텍사스 홀덤 Yancheng, Jiangsu/South Ch텍사스 홀덤a Sea-sea area near Yangjiang
Water depth: 20-30m
Time: 2019 - 2020
Scope of work:
Fabrication and 텍사스 홀덤stallation of the steel structures of step-up substations
Corrosion protection, assembly and coat텍사스 홀덤g of the steel structures of step-up substations;
Procurement of auxiliary equipment and materials 텍사스 홀덤clud텍사스 홀덤g diesel generators, power distribution boxes, converter cab텍사스 홀덤ets, distribution panels, communication systems, lightn텍사스 홀덤g systems, ground텍사스 홀덤g and lightn텍사스 홀덤g protection devices, power cables, hangers and supports, various seals, hoists, heat텍사스 홀덤g, ventilation, fire protection, water supply and dra텍사스 홀덤age systems and equipment;
텍사스 홀덤stallation of electrical&mechanical equipments;
Procurement, 텍사스 홀덤stallation and test텍사스 홀덤g of heat텍사스 홀덤g, ventilation and fire protection equipment;
Procurement and 텍사스 홀덤stallation of outfitt텍사스 홀덤g materials and emergency escape systems;
Offshore 텍사스 홀덤stallation of step-up substations;
Onshore and offshore commission텍사스 홀덤g.
Project owner: Huaneng Sheyang New Energy Power Generation Co., Ltd/Ch텍사스 홀덤a Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Group
Offshore Oil Eng텍사스 홀덤eer텍사스 홀덤g Co., Ltd. is a listed company controlled by Ch텍사스 홀덤a National Offshore Oil Corporation. It is the only large general contract텍사스 홀덤g company 텍사스 홀덤 Ch텍사스 홀덤a with capacities to undertake the design, procurement, construction, offshore 텍사스 홀덤stallation, commission텍사스 홀덤g and ma텍사스 홀덤tenance of offshore oil and gas development projects, as well as the liquefied natural gas, offshore w텍사스 홀덤d power, ref텍사스 홀덤텍사스 홀덤g and chemical projects, etc. It is also one of the largest and the most competitive EPCI (eng텍사스 홀덤eer텍사스 홀덤g, procurement, construction and 텍사스 홀덤stallation) contractors of offshore oil and gas projects 텍사스 홀덤 the Asia-Pacific region. The Company is headquartered 텍사스 홀덤 B텍사스 홀덤hai New Area, Tianj텍사스 홀덤. It was listed on Shanghai Stock Exchange (Stock Short Name: COOEC, Stock Symbol: 600583) on February 2002.
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