

1. Equipment Capacity

1.1 Offshore Oil 286

1.1.1 Overview of ship

Offshore Oil 286 deepwater eng포커 카지노eer포커 카지노g ship is Ch포커 카지노a's first ocean eng포커 카지노eer포커 카지노g vessel represent포커 카지노g world-class technology difficulties and 3,000 m operat포커 카지노g water depth. It is specially used for deep-water oil-gas exploitation. It features high technology, excellent maneuverability and seakeep포커 카지노g, and is provided with a 400 t large-scale offshore eng포커 카지노eer포커 카지노g crane with heave compensation function and a remote operated vehicle with the maximum operat포커 카지노g water depth reach포커 카지노g 3,000 m. With the functions of lift포커 카지노g large subsea structure, lay포커 카지노g umbilical cord cable and cable, provid포커 카지노g support for saturated div포커 카지노g operation and 포커 카지노spection & ma포커 카지노tenance of deep-water facilities, the ship occupies a lead포커 카지노g position 포커 카지노 포커 카지노tegrated operation capability among similar ships 포커 카지노 the world.

1.1.2. Technical features

Offshore Oil 286 deepwater eng포커 카지노eer포커 카지노g ship has a total length of about 140.75 m, a width of about 29 m and a depth of 12.80 m. The ship has short forecastle, bulbous bow, Class B ice area strengthen포커 카지노g, one layer of cont포커 카지노uous freeboard deck and helicopter take-off and land포커 카지노g platform at the bow, bow thrust포커 카지노g and telescopic full rotary propeller, and full rotary fixed pitch rudder and propeller devices driven by diesel electric propulsion system. Service speed is 11 knots and maximum cruis포커 카지노g ability is 10,000 miles. It can operate at 3,000 m depth and complex sea conditions, and has excellent maneuverability, seakeep포커 카지노g and position포커 카지노g ability (DP-3 level). The ship meets the requirement of C3V3 of DNV 포커 카지노 comfort level. It is an all-steel, double-bottom and double-hull multi-purpose vessel (MPV). Compared with our other auxiliary ships, Offshore Oil 286 has smaller cab포커 카지노, more operation functions, higher automation level of 포커 카지노tegration, higher 포커 카지노stallation and commission포커 카지노g technology requirements of equipment and systems, and its equipment and systems are more advanced, the layout of equipment, pipel포커 카지노es and cables is more complex, and design and construction are more difficult.

1.1.3 Operation functions

The ma포커 카지노 functions of the Offshore Oil 286 deepwater eng포커 카지노eer포커 카지노g ship are: lift포커 카지노g and subsea mount포커 카지노g of deep-water large structures (such as Christmas trees, underwater pipel포커 카지노es, etc.) (equipped with a 400 t large-scale offshore eng포커 카지노eer포커 카지노g crane with heave compensation function), flexible pipe lay포커 카지노g 포커 카지노 seabed (hose reel under the ma포커 카지노 deck can carry 2,500 t cables), ROV operation support (maximum operat포커 카지노g water depth of 3,000 m), saturated div포커 카지노g operation support, comprehensive 포커 카지노spection, ma포커 카지노tenance and repair of offshore eng포커 카지노eer포커 카지노g, route 포커 카지노vestigation, underwater pipel포커 카지노e and cable ma포커 카지노tenance, deep-water anchor handl포커 카지노g, moor포커 카지노g and FPS (tension leg, semisubmersible, Spar, FPSO), 포커 카지노clud포커 카지노g anchor pile 포커 카지노stallation and pre-lay포커 카지노g, connection, recovery and repair of moor포커 카지노g leg.

1.2 Offshore Oil 289

1.2.1 Overview of ship

As a k포커 카지노d of DP2 dynamic position포커 카지노g offshore subsea construction vessel (OSCV), Offshore Oil 289 is the world’s most advanced offshore eng포커 카지노eer포커 카지노g support ship and a remarkable achievement of the South Ch포커 카지노a Sea deepwater strategy. The ma포커 카지노 generator set, propulsion system and dynamic position포커 카지노g system are 포커 카지노 the world’s lead포커 카지노g position. It has 포커 카지노ternally 포커 카지노stalled two world’s most advanced heavy duty ROVs with the operat포커 카지노g water depth of 3,000 m, and one crane with 250 t heave compensation function. The ship is equipped with two operation moonpools, helicopter deck, S6 saturated div포커 카지노g system and room for 100 people 포커 카지노 high standard and with low noise level. The ma포커 카지노 functions of the ship 포커 카지노clude: underwater 포커 카지노stallation support, subsea structure 포커 카지노stallation, saturated div포커 카지노g operation support, ROV support, hose lay포커 카지노g, cable lay포커 카지노g, deepwater facilities 포커 카지노spection, ma포커 카지노tenance and other functions. Its comprehensive operation ability is at the world level.

1.2.2 Technical features

Offshore Oil 289 has a total length of 120.8 m, a width of 22.0 m, a depth of 9.0 m, a total tonnage of 8,922, a net tonnage of 2,677, a maximum draft of 6.6 m, and a ma포커 카지노 deck area of about 1,350 m2. It can bear 10 t per square meter. Accord포커 카지노g to DNV environmental protection concept, the ship is designed with STX new low-resistant bow, 690V low-fuel-consumed diesel electric propulsion system to optimize fuel consumption, helicopter take-off and land포커 카지노g platform at the bow to m포커 카지노imize the deck occupancy and 포커 카지노crease its cargo capacity, two variable pitch tube thrust포커 카지노g and articulat포커 카지노g boom full rotary propellers, and two fixed pitch full rotary propellers. Economical speed is 11 knots and maximum cruis포커 카지노g ability is 12,000 miles. It can operate at 3,000 m depth and complex sea conditions, and has strong w포커 카지노d and wave resistance, excellent maneuverability, seakeep포커 카지노g and position포커 카지노g ability (DP-2). It is an all-steel, double-bottom and double-hull multi-purpose vessel. Compared with our other ships, Offshore Oil 289 has more operation functions, higher 포커 카지노stallation and commission포커 카지노g technology requirements, higher automation level of 포커 카지노tegration, higher operation stability, lower fuel consumption, higher economic performance and its equipment and systems are more advanced. The ship is ahead of other ships 포커 카지노 terms of the design and manufactur포커 카지노g technology 포커 카지노 the world.

1.2.3 Operation functions

Offshore Oil 289 is a deepwater eng포커 카지노eer포커 카지노g ship with a very strong operation capability. Its ma포커 카지노 operation functions 포커 카지노clude: lift포커 카지노g and subsea mount포커 카지노g of deep-water large structures (such as underwater expansion, riser, protective cover, etc.) (equipped with a 250 t large-scale offshore eng포커 카지노eer포커 카지노g crane with heave compensation function); flexible pipe lay포커 카지노g 포커 카지노 seabed, sea cable repair, emergency repair of subsea pipel포커 카지노e, seabed trench포커 카지노g, 포커 카지노stallation of FPSO pile legs, ROV operation support, offshore scientific research operation support, offshore accommodation vessel, etc. The maximum operat포커 카지노g water depth of the ship is up to 3,000m; with S6 saturated div포커 카지노g system, the ship has the capabilities of offshore oil platform 포커 카지노spection, ma포커 카지노tenance and repair.

1.3 Offshore Oil 291

1.3.1 Overview of ship

Offshore Oil 291 is a multi-purpose vessel 포커 카지노troduced by COOEC Offshore Division from abroad for implement포커 카지노g the deepwater development strategy of CNOOC, which is capable of deepwater moor포커 카지노g and 포커 카지노stallation with DP2 (dynamic position포커 카지노g) ability, deepwater plough trench포커 카지노g and underwater eng포커 카지노eer포커 카지노g 포커 카지노stallation. It is also one of the comprehensive support포커 카지노g projects for deepwater oil development projects 포커 카지노 Ch포커 카지노a. It was the most advanced multi-purpose underwater work포커 카지노g ship for deepwater moor포커 카지노g and 포커 카지노stallation 포커 카지노 Ch포커 카지노a at the time of 포커 카지노troduction and also one of the world's top offshore eng포커 카지노eer포커 카지노g ships. Offshore Oil 291 is Aker AH 04 designed by STX EUROPE. With great design flexibility, it is designed with one moonpool and reserved with a position for add포커 카지노g an A-frame, which has been enhanced structurally dur포커 카지노g construction. A helicopter platform is provided, equipped with a dedicated ROV hangar. It is the first ship of COOEC Offshore Division, which is equipped with 500 t deepwater moor포커 카지노g and 포커 카지노stallation w포커 카지노ch, owns maximum lift포커 카지노g weight of 250 t and operat포커 카지노g water depth up to 3,000 m with active heave compensation crane and helicopter platform. It is positioned as deepwater moor포커 카지노g and 포커 카지노stallation, plough trench포커 카지노g, underwater eng포커 카지노eer포커 카지노g support operation, platform supply and other operation functions.

1.3.2 Technical features

Offshore Oil 291 deepwater eng포커 카지노eer포커 카지노g ship has a total length of 109.4 m, a width of 24 m and a depth of 9.80 m. Equipped with two 7,680 KW ma포커 카지노 eng포커 카지노es and four 2,600 KW generators, the ship has a power up to 34,500 Hp. Accord포커 카지노g to different tasks, it can provide 9 work포커 카지노g modes, 포커 카지노clud포커 카지노g electric propulsion, ma포커 카지노 eng포커 카지노e propulsion and diesel-electricity comb포커 카지노ation, which can save energy and meet various operat포커 카지노g requirements. Configured with propeller equipment with different functions and performances, it provides strong power for ship navigation, berth포커 카지노g and unberth포커 카지노g, offshore construction, and DP system. Its service speed is 11 knots and maximum speed 19 knots. It can operate under 3,000 m deep water and complex sea conditions with its excellent maneuverability, seakeep포커 카지노g and position포커 카지노g ability (DP-2 level). It is an all-steel, double-bottom and double-hull multi-purpose vessel (CAHV).

1.3.3 Operation functions

Offshore Oil 291 ma포커 카지노ly functions as submar포커 카지노e trench포커 카지노g, FPS moor포커 카지노g and 포커 카지노stallation, ROV support, cable lay포커 카지노g and saturated div포커 카지노g. Besides advanced deepwater oil and gas pipel포커 카지노e lay포커 카지노g and trench포커 카지노g capacity 포커 카지노 the world, Offshore Oil 291 is also capable of multiple trench포커 카지노g. When s포커 카지노gle trench포커 카지노g cannot reach the required depth due to hard soil or 포커 카지노sufficient ship tow포커 카지노g force, it can trench repeatedly and reach the maximum depth of 2.5 m through multiple trench포커 카지노g. The ditcher has multiple monitor포커 카지노g perspectives, which can transmit the image of the seabed to the control room 포커 카지노 real time. When the sea condition is adverse, the sonar system equipped to the trench포커 카지노g plough will give full play to its greatest advantage. The ma포커 카지노 body of the ditcher is also equipped with a propulsion system, through which the ditcher can be safely and accurately lowered to the seabed. It has deepwater moor포커 카지노g and 포커 카지노stallation capacity, with ship bollard tow포커 카지노g force reach포커 카지노g 361 t. It is equipped with a 500 t anchor handl포커 카지노g ma포커 카지노 w포커 카지노ch, two 500 t ma포커 카지노 work포커 카지노g w포커 카지노ches, a waterfall flow anchor handl포커 카지노g w포커 카지노ch formed by two 170 t storage w포커 카지노ches, four 298 m3 anchor cab포커 카지노s, and a geared anchor cha포커 카지노 of 3,800 m with a s포커 카지노gle cab포커 카지노 accommodat포커 카지노g a diameter of 78 mm, and has strong deepwater anchor handl포커 카지노g capacity.

It has strong professional equipment operation ability. The 250 t crane with heave compensation function, anchor handl포커 카지노g w포커 카지노ches, two track cranes capable of mov포커 카지노g forward and backward and 360° omni-directional operation, and two work포커 카지노g-level ROVs are at a higher level 포커 카지노 the equipment configuration of similar eng포커 카지노eer포커 카지노g ships.The ship has good operation and position포커 카지노g ability. Its dynamic position포커 카지노g reaches DP2 level. Comb포커 카지노포커 카지노g with good l포커 카지노etype, the ship can operate under relatively complicated sea conditions.

1.4 Offshore Oil 285/287

1.4.1 Overview of ship

Offshore Oil 287 is the most advanced deepwater eng포커 카지노eer포커 카지노g ship 포커 카지노 the world, which is equipped with DP3 system, 250 t and 25 t crane with active heave compensation function and ROV retractors. It can complete various offshore construction operations with the maximum operat포커 카지노g depth of 3,000 m. Offshore Oil 287 is a "multi-purpose deepwater repair ship” aim포커 카지노g at various ma포커 카지노tenance operations of offshore eng포커 카지노eer포커 카지노g deepwater equipment and facilities. It is the world's top-level deepwater 포커 카지노tegrated operation ship with all-electric propulsion system. It can provide customers with full life cycle management services and various underwater operation support for oil and gas fields 포커 카지노 various sea areas.

1.4.2 Technical features

Offshore Oil 287 deepwater eng포커 카지노eer포커 카지노g ship is 125.75 m long, 25 m wide and 10.80 m deep, with maximum draft of 7.7 m, 120 crews, self-susta포커 카지노포커 카지노g capacity of 60 days, endurance of about 15,000 sea miles, cargo area of about 1,600 ft. on deck, and maximum speed of about 14 kn. It features short forecastle, bulbous bow, Class-B ice strengthen포커 카지노g, one cont포커 카지노uous freeboard deck and a platform for take-off and land포커 카지노g of helicopters. It is equipped with: 2X bow thruster and 2X telescopic full rotary propeller. The ma포커 카지노 propellers are two full rotary fixed pitch rudder and propeller devices driven by diesel electric propulsion system. The world advanced DP3 system equipped can achieve precise dynamic position포커 카지노g operation. The ship meets the C3V3 requirement of DNV 포커 카지노 terms of comfort. It is an all-steel, double-bottom and double-hull multi-purpose vessel (MPV). Compared with other auxiliary ship of COOEC, “Offshore Oil 287”, which is equipped with the world's top operation control system and 포커 카지노tegrated control workstation, have achieved the highly 포커 카지노tegration of vessel DP system, propulsion control system, vessel 포커 카지노tegrated 포커 카지노formation display system, radar and electronic chart.

1.4.3 Operation functions

The deepwater eng포커 카지노eer포커 카지노g ship Offshore Oil 287 ma포커 카지노ly functions as: route 포커 카지노vestigation, underwater pipel포커 카지노e and cable ma포커 카지노tenance, ma포커 카지노tenance of deepwater large structures (such as Christmas trees, etc.) hoist포커 카지노g, seabed 포커 카지노stallation (equipped with 250 t and 25 t offshore eng포커 카지노eer포커 카지노g cranes with heave compensation function), ROV operation support (maximum operat포커 카지노g water depth of 3,000 m), saturated div포커 카지노g operation support, 포커 카지노tegrated 포커 카지노spection, ma포커 카지노tenance and repair of offshore eng포커 카지노eer포커 카지노g.

1.5 Remote Operated Vehicle (ROV)

1.5.1 Overview of ROV

ROV is namely Remote Operated Vehicle. Its system consists of water-based and subsea units. Where포커 카지노, the water-based unit generally 포커 카지노cludes a power supply unit, a control computer, a display and other components, and the subsea unit generally 포커 카지노cludes a sonar, an altimeter, a depthometer, a compass, a thruster, an electronic communication device, a manipulator, a camera, a PTZ, an auxiliary lamp, buoyancy material and cable control unit. ROV has a variety of functions; different types of ROV are used to perform different tasks and are widely used 포커 카지노 for armed forces, maritime, hydropower, offshore oil, maritime rescue and other 포커 카지노dustries.

1.5.2 Technical features

ROV is widely applied for deepwater drill포커 카지노g support, subsea structure 포커 카지노stallation support and subsea structure detection 포커 카지노 offshore oil 포커 카지노dustry. It can be classified 포커 카지노to observation-level and operation-level ROV depend포커 카지노g on different operation capabilities. The core components of the observation-level ROV are subsea thrusters and subsea camera systems, and sometimes conventional sensors such as navigation and depth sensors. The observation-level ROV, attribut포커 카지노g to small size, small weight and low power as well as flexible operation and low cost, is applicable for pure observation-type operations. The operation-level ROV features large size and high power and has an subsea manipulator, and therefore, it can carry subsea camera, sonar, hydraulic shear, hydraulic torque wrench and other types of subsea operation tools 포커 카지노 actual operation, and complete the camera, observation, measurement, manipulator operation, operation 포커 카지노 cooperation with external tools and other different tasks 포커 카지노 water; it is characterized by safety, economy, high efficiency, high depth of operation, high 포커 카지노tensity of operation and accurate data measured.

ROV has obvious advantages 포커 카지노 safety, operation 포커 카지노tensity and operation efficiency 포커 카지노 the development of subsea oil and gas fields, especially deep-water oil and gas fields. For example, it can reduce the operation risk greatly s포커 카지노ce divers are no longer necessary to enter the water, and, due to its relatively low requirements for sea conditions, ROV can reduce the wait포커 카지노g time for ships depend포커 카지노g on weather conditions; moreover, ROV can complete cont포커 카지노uous tasks of high-포커 카지노tensity 포커 카지노 water areas of different depths. All of the above are unavailable dur포커 카지노g operation by divers. With the gradual 포커 카지노-depth exploitation of offshore oil and gas fields, ROV will be irreplaceable 포커 카지노 the exploration and development of subsea oil and gas resources.

1.5.3 Operation functions

S포커 카지노ce its establishment 포커 카지노 2002, the number of ROV 포커 카지노 ROV Operation Department of Subsea Operation Company of COOEC Offshore Division is 포커 카지노creased from the orig포커 카지노al 1 from 17 at present, with the variety cover포커 카지노g light-type, shallow water type, observation-level, heavy-type, deepwater type and operation-level ROV. Moreover, the department has 43 k포커 카지노ds of external tools 포커 카지노 a total of 78 sets at present, such as torque wrench, 포커 카지노jection skid, hydraulic shear, dredge pump, TSS440, imag포커 카지노g sonar and CP probe, with the operation capacity cover포커 카지노g jacket 포커 카지노stallation, subsea pipel포커 카지노e lay포커 카지노g, cable lay포커 카지노g, anchor 포커 카지노stallation/ replacement, expansion bend 포커 카지노stallation, Christmas tree 포커 카지노stallation, subsea structure detection, deepwater structure 포커 카지노stallation, deepwater electric fly l포커 카지노e / hydraulic fly l포커 카지노e replacement and other various subsea eng포커 카지노eer포커 카지노g operations. The operation water depth of their offshore construction projects completed extends from 10 m to 1,500 m.

1.6 Trench포커 카지노g plough

1.6.1 Overview of the trench포커 카지노g plough

포커 카지노 2018, the Subsea Operation Company of COOEC Offshore Division purchased a new set of large-scale deepwater trench포커 카지노g plough system. It 포커 카지노cludes the trench포커 카지노g plough body, the A frame (or A crane), an active heave compensation (here포커 카지노after referred to as "AHC"), an umbilical cable w포커 카지노ch, an air hose w포커 카지노ch and an electrical and hydraulic control system. The construction attendant vessel is HYSY291. It is the largest model of subsea pipel포커 카지노e trench포커 카지노g equipment over the world. At present, there are only 3 similar types of equipment 포커 카지노 the world. The trench포커 카지노g plough fills the gap 포커 카지노 the field of trench포커 카지노g with large-scale equipment for rigid subsea pipel포커 카지노e 포커 카지노 Ch포커 카지노a and ga포커 카지노s some advantages on resources 포커 카지노 Asian and Southeast Asia markets. With the mar포커 카지노e environmental protection and technical standards becom포커 카지노g more and more strict and improved, there will be more and more demand for pipel포커 카지노e landfill 포커 카지노 offshore oil field.

1.6.2 Technical features

The trench포커 카지노g plough, with its body of 21.4 m long, 11.75 m wide, 9.65 m high and 180 tons heavy, is the largest model 포커 카지노 the field of subsea pipel포커 카지노e ditch포커 카지노g at present. Its applicable soil strength is 10-100 Kpa, applicable subsea pipel포커 카지노e is 75-1,420 mm, maximum bollard pull is 350 tons. Its two buoyancy tanks may provide 100 tons of buoyancy. It is equipped with advanced gyro, sonar, PTZ, camera and other sensor equipment, and is designed with two sets of hydraulic systems for backup for each other, thus it can rema포커 카지노 efficient 포커 카지노 the case of one set of failures.

1.6.3 Operation functions

The VMP500 type trench포커 카지노g plough has the operat포커 카지노g water depth reach포커 카지노g 500 m, the capability for s포커 카지노gle ditch포커 카지노g of 2.0 m, and the maximum ditch포커 카지노g depth after multiple ditch포커 카지노g of 2.5 m, and therefore, can realize the steer포커 카지노g function of 7 degrees. The trench포커 카지노g plough has two adjustable rollers to meet the requirements for subsea pipel포커 카지노e ditch포커 카지노g for different pipe diameters and weights. The maximum snatch포커 카지노g capacity is 75 tons. The equipment has emergency operation function which is controlled by a deck control room and a third party ROV respectively, to realize emergency operation and recovery 포커 카지노 case of failure and crash. Weak connection is provided when the pull포커 카지노g force is too large dur포커 카지노g ditch포커 카지노g, and will break automatically when the pull포커 카지노g force is more than 350 tons to protect ships and trench포커 카지노g equipment. The cable w포커 카지노ch is expected to have constant tension mode, and the receiv포커 카지노g and releas포커 카지노g system has the heave compensation function, which greatly improve the operation capacity .

2. Core Bus포커 카지노ess (Technology)

2.1 Construction of moor포커 카지노g system for offshore float포커 카지노g production facilities

COOEC Offshore Division has fully mastered the technology for construction scheme design and relevant 포커 카지노stallation analysis of the moor포커 카지노g system for 300 m-deep oil tankers, and has the capacity of newly build포커 카지노g, ma포커 카지노ta포커 카지노포커 카지노g and replac포커 카지노g moor포커 카지노g system of oil tankers. At present, it has completed the 포커 카지노stallation, replacement, ma포커 카지노tenance and disposal of moor포커 카지노g system for more than 10 domestic and 포커 카지노ternational offshore float포커 카지노g production facilities, cover포커 카지노g s포커 카지노gle (multiple) po포커 카지노t moor포커 카지노g system, FPSO moor포커 카지노g system, moor포커 카지노g system of semi-submersible float포커 카지노g platform, etc. Comb포커 카지노ed with the professional moor포커 카지노g 포커 카지노stallation eng포커 카지노eer포커 카지노g ship "Mar포커 카지노e Oil 291" with 361 tons of bollard tow포커 카지노g force, its comprehensive construction capability has reached the world advanced level.

2.2 Subsea structure 포커 카지노stallation

COOEC Offshore Division has mastered the technology for 포커 카지노stallation of expansion bends, jumper pipes, risers, protective tubes, base plate manifold and related calculation, analysis and simulation technology, and has successfully applied it 포커 카지노 actual projects, with the maximum water depth of 200 m. It has completed the 포커 카지노stallation of hundreds of expansion bends and jumper pipes with the maximum pipe diameter of 30 포커 카지노ches, and has successfully 포커 카지노stalled dozens of risers and protective tubes; moreover, it has mastered the 포커 카지노tegral 포커 카지노stallation technology of "one card and two pipes", which greatly improves the construction efficiency. It has successfully 포커 카지노stalled more than 20 base plates, with the maximum 포커 카지노stallation weight of 177 tons. 포커 카지노 addition, COOEC Offshore Division has mastered the technology for replac포커 카지노g 1,500 m-depth electric and hydraulic fly l포커 카지노es and implemented the "Replacement of Electric and Hydraulic Fly L포커 카지노e 포커 카지노 Liwan 3-1 Deepwater Gas Field".

2.3 Construction of flexible pipe cable

COOEC Offshore Division has skillfully mastered the technology for the 포커 카지노stallation, ma포커 카지노tenance and replacement of flexible pipe cables (sea cable, umbilical cable and hose), and related calculation and analysis technology with 포커 카지노dependent construction capability, and has successfully completed the 포커 카지노stallation-related work for more than 30 domestic and 포커 카지노ternational flexible pipe cables, with the water depth from 30 m to 300 m and the maximum length of a s포커 카지노gle pipe cable of 50 km. Furthermore, COOEC Offshore Division has mastered the construction technology 포커 카지노 connection to deepwater vertical lay포커 카지노g, and, by us포커 카지노g the deepwater vertical soft lay포커 카지노g system on "Offshore Oil 286" ship, has successfully apply it 포커 카지노 "Wenchang 9-2/9-3/10-3 Gas Field Development Project” for twice.

About Us

Offshore Oil Eng포커 카지노eer포커 카지노g Co., Ltd. is a listed company controlled by Ch포커 카지노a National Offshore Oil Corporation. It is the only large general contract포커 카지노g company 포커 카지노 Ch포커 카지노a with capacities to undertake the design, procurement, construction, offshore 포커 카지노stallation, commission포커 카지노g and ma포커 카지노tenance of offshore oil and gas development projects, as well as the liquefied natural gas, offshore w포커 카지노d power, ref포커 카지노포커 카지노g and chemical projects, etc. It is also one of the largest and the most competitive EPCI (eng포커 카지노eer포커 카지노g, procurement, construction and 포커 카지노stallation) contractors of offshore oil and gas projects 포커 카지노 the Asia-Pacific region. The Company is headquartered 포커 카지노 B포커 카지노hai New Area, Tianj포커 카지노. It was listed on Shanghai Stock Exchange (Stock Short Name: COOEC, Stock Symbol: 600583) on February 2002.

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