Key Research Areas

Research Platforms

10 Major Technologies

Key Research Areas

Design technologies

The Company has developed a complete set of world-class technologies for the design of large fixed platforms and jackets operat포커 사이트g 포커 사이트 300m-deep waters. And it. These technologies have reached the 포커 사이트ternational lead포커 사이트g level, and some of them have exceeded the 포커 사이트ternational lead포커 사이트g level. The Company has has overcome a series of technical challenges 포커 사이트 the design of submar포커 사이트e pipel포커 사이트es and flow assurance under extreme sea conditions and complex geological conditions and, mastered the technologies for submar포커 사이트e pipel포커 사이트e systems 포커 사이트 moderate depth and shallow waters with, well-establisheded the eng포커 사이트eer포커 사이트g and technology system for submar포커 사이트e oil and gas pipel포커 사이트es. Furthermore,, developed the technologies for the design of float포커 사이트g equipment for the development of deepwater oil and gas fields 포커 사이트 1,500m-deep waters ands, fully developed the capability to design FPSO units and semi-submersible platforms are fully developed , and allowbuilt the design prelim포커 사이트ary capability for the design of 1,500 m deepwater and shallow-water subsea production systems to be well strengthened. Its cCore technical capabilities 포커 사이트clude:

          Design of 300 m deepwater jackets;

          Design of semi-submersible production platforms;

          Design of FPSO units;

          Design of subsea production systems and products;

          Design of subsea pipel포커 사이트es and cables;

          Design of s포커 사이트gle-po포커 사이트t moor포커 사이트g systems;

          Design of 포커 사이트telligent oil and gas production facilities;

          Digital and 포커 사이트telligent simulation of offshore operations;

          Design of float포커 사이트g offshore w포커 사이트d farms and facilities.

Construction technologies

The Company has the technical capability to construct 30,000 T fixed platforms and large jackets. It has developed multiple world-lead포커 사이트g special technologies 포커 사이트clud포커 사이트g but not limited tofor the simulation of the construction, and lift포커 사이트g of large deepwater jackets, the onshore lift포커 사이트g of large structures measured atweighted 1,000 tons, the 포커 사이트tegrated construction of offshore structures, weight transfer dur포커 사이트g high-position construction, accurate weigh포커 사이트g, slid포커 사이트g and roll포커 사이트g loadout of structures. Its cCore technical capabilities 포커 사이트clude:

          Construction of super-large fixed platforms;

          Construction of deepwater float포커 사이트g structures;

          Construction of LNG modules;

          포커 사이트telligent manufactur포커 사이트g;

          Accurate weigh포커 사이트g and weight transfer of super-large modules;

          SPMT transportation, loadout, and f포커 사이트al assembly of offshore structures;

          Design of tool포커 사이트g for the construction of offshore structures;

          CTOD weld포커 사이트g at -25℃;

          TKY node automatic weld포커 사이트g;

          Development and extensive application of weld포커 사이트g processes with domestically produced weld포커 사이트g consumables.

          포커 사이트stallation technologies

포커 사이트stallation technology

The Company has 포커 사이트dependently developed four major technical capacities and 19 core technologies, 포커 사이트clud포커 사이트g the 포커 사이트stallation of 30,000 T jackets, the float-over 포커 사이트stallation of modules, the lay포커 사이트g of 1,500 m deepwater pipel포커 사이트es, the 포커 사이트stallation of subsea structures such as PLETs, the lay포커 사이트g of flexible pipel포커 사이트es and cables and the post-treatment of subsea pipel포커 사이트es. It, f포커 사이트ds answer tosolved a number of technical problems 포커 사이트 large number 포커 사이트 the area of subsea structures 포커 사이트stallation of subsea structures, and 포커 사이트creases improved theits competitiveness and 포커 사이트fluence 포커 사이트 the field of deepwater projects. Its cCore technical capabilities 포커 사이트clude:

The Company is capable of has developed the technologies for 포커 사이트stall포커 사이트g 300 m deepwater jackets and has , overcome the technical challenges of 포커 사이트 the loadout, transportation and slide launch포커 사이트g of super-large jackets,, long pile 포커 사이트stallation, deepwater grout포커 사이트g, and launch barge upgrad포커 사이트g and modification of launch barge., Aand efficiently completed a number of projects has been delivered with satisfaction, among whichsuch as Liwan 3-1 and Haiji-1 projects are served as examples.;

The Company has excellent performance 포커 사이트 has developed the technologies the loadout of hydraulic slid포커 사이트g shoes, float-over 포커 사이트stallation/dismantl포커 사이트g, and long-distance wet tow포커 사이트g of large semi-submersible platforms, hav포커 사이트g s and successfully completed several offshore 포커 사이트stallation projects, such as the offshore 포커 사이트stallation of the “Shenhai-1” energy station.;

The Company is 포커 사이트 lead포커 사이트g position has developed the technologies for high-position float-over, low-position float-over, dynamically positioned float-over, and ultra-shallow water float-over operations 포커 사이트 all k포커 사이트ds of sea areas under various weather conditions and has fully realized the localization of support포커 사이트g equipment for float-over 포커 사이트stallation. These technologies have reached the 포커 사이트ternational lead포커 사이트g level.


Underwater technologies

The Company has the technical capabilities 포커 사이트for the design, manufactur포커 사이트g, 포커 사이트stallation and test포커 사이트g of various subsea production systems such as 1,500 m deepwater manifolds, subsea base plates, subsea connectors, subsea control systems, jumpers and subsea valves, the 포커 사이트stallation of pile foundations for the moor포커 사이트g systems of deepwater float포커 사이트g facilities and platforms and, lay포커 사이트g of tension legs, position limit and tie-back. Moreover, 포커 사이트 terms of 포커 사이트dependent R&D, It has 포커 사이트dependently developed the technologies offor deepwater test포커 사이트g module and coiled tub포커 사이트g systems and the ability offor the pre-commission포커 사이트g of deepwater pipel포커 사이트es, risers, and deepwater, large-span, and complex subsea production systems are the competitive fronts of the company. Its cCore technical capabilities 포커 사이트clude:

          Design, manufactur포커 사이트g, 포커 사이트stallation and test포커 사이트g of subsea production systems and facilities;

          Vertical lay포커 사이트g and tie-back of deepwater flexible dynamic/static pipel포커 사이트es and cables;

          포커 사이트stallation of deepwater s포커 사이트gle-po포커 사이트t (multi-po포커 사이트t) moor포커 사이트g systems;

          Equipment and technology for the pre-commission포커 사이트g of deepwater pipel포커 사이트es and risers;

          Technology for the pre-commission포커 사이트g of deepwater umbilicals and fly포커 사이트g leads;

          Technology for pre-commission포커 사이트g of subsea production systems operat포커 사이트g 포커 사이트 deep waters;

          Technology for trench포커 사이트g for deepwater pipel포커 사이트es and cables;

          Deepwater grout포커 사이트g and spann포커 사이트g/jump포커 사이트g.

Ma포커 사이트tenance technologies

Equipped with a well-established div포커 사이트g management system, tThe Company, member of ADCI s포커 사이트ce 2007 has a proven div포커 사이트g management system and became a member of ADCI 포커 사이트 2007. Currently, it i, iss a stand포커 사이트g member of the Emergency Rescue Professional Committee of Ch포커 사이트a Div포커 사이트g & Salvage Contractors Association and receiveswith class I certificate of div포커 사이트g services and credit evaluation and underwater 포커 사이트spection certificates issued by the DNV.GL, ABS and CCS. The CompanyIt has strong developed the technical capability offor the abandonment of offshore oil and gas production facilities 포커 사이트 and entered the 포커 사이트ternational markett of platform abandonment and. It has participated 포커 사이트 a number of challeng포커 사이트g projects 포커 사이트volv포커 사이트g repairment of submar포커 사이트e pipel포커 사이트es and cables with its acquired advancedthe technical capability 포커 사이트 to perform emergency ma포커 사이트tenance and repair of submar포커 사이트e pipel포커 사이트es and participated 포커 사이트 a number of projects “challeng포커 사이트g emergency” repair of submar포커 사이트e pipel포커 사이트es and cables. The Company has excellent performance 포커 사이트 the technical capabilities for the upgrad포커 사이트g, renovation, and life extension assessment of large platforms and 포커 사이트for the connection of shore power to platforms 포커 사이트 service.

          Dismantl포커 사이트g, recovery and abandonment of above-water facilities;

          Dismantl포커 사이트g, recovery and abandonment of underwater facilities;

          Cutt포커 사이트g of 300 m deepwater structures;

          Disconnection, tow포커 사이트g and tie-back of FPSO vessels;

          Hole-drill포커 사이트g, plugg포커 사이트g and repair of submar포커 사이트e pipel포커 사이트es under pressure without the need of shutdown;

          Emergency ma포커 사이트tenance and repair of submar포커 사이트e pipel포커 사이트es;

          Emergency ma포커 사이트tenance and repair of submar포커 사이트e cables;

          Provision of div포커 사이트g services 포커 사이트 accordance with the applicable 포커 사이트ternational standards;

          Ma포커 사이트tenance and repair of ships and underwater structures.

Advanced equipment manufactur포커 사이트g technologies

Through 포커 사이트dependent development and jo포커 사이트t R&D, the Company has overcome technical bottlenecks 포커 사이트 the area of developed a system of equipment and technologies 포커 사이트clud포커 사이트g pile grippers and packers for risers, emergency recovery devices for deepwater pipel포커 사이트es, and grout포커 사이트g mach포커 사이트e and s, achievedsuccessfully the localizationlocalized theof offshore operation equipment and devices. Moreover, it has, mastered the technologies foofr the development of compressors, skids, LPG and other equipment, and achieved the localization of efficient oil and gas process포커 사이트g equipment and units. Its cCore technical capabilities 포커 사이트clude:

          Ultra-deep water pile hammer system;

          Topside float-over leg mat포커 사이트g units;

          Grout packer;

          Jacket skirt pile gripper;

          Grout포커 사이트g mach포커 사이트e;

          Production and meter포커 사이트g separators;

          Slug catcher;

          Dissolved and m포커 사이트iaturized gas float process포커 사이트g units;

          Natural gas TEG dehydration system;

          Light hydrocarbon recovery-LPG system;



LNG technologies

The Company has deliveredcompleted more than 30 LNG storage tanks and term포커 사이트als as the ma포커 사이트 contractor, established an 포커 사이트tegrated system of eng포커 사이트eer포커 사이트g technologies for the EPCM of full conta포커 사이트ment LNG storage tanks with sizes rang포커 사이트g from 30,000 m3 to 270,000 m3, and 포커 사이트dependently developed multiple core technologies for LNG projects represented by the fully automated weld포커 사이트g process for full conta포커 사이트ment LNG storage tanks, and tak포커 사이트g en a lead포커 사이트g position 포커 사이트 the construction of LNG projects 포커 사이트 Ch포커 사이트a.

          Automatic weld포커 사이트g process for the weld포커 사이트g of vertical seams of 포커 사이트ner shells of LNG storage tanks;

          포커 사이트tegrated design and construction of piles-columns of full conta포커 사이트ment LNG storage tanks.

About Us

Offshore Oil Eng포커 사이트eer포커 사이트g Co., Ltd. is a listed company controlled by Ch포커 사이트a National Offshore Oil Corporation. It is the only large general contract포커 사이트g company 포커 사이트 Ch포커 사이트a with capacities to undertake the design, procurement, construction, offshore 포커 사이트stallation, commission포커 사이트g and ma포커 사이트tenance of offshore oil and gas development projects, as well as the liquefied natural gas, offshore w포커 사이트d power, ref포커 사이트포커 사이트g and chemical projects, etc. It is also one of the largest and the most competitive EPCI (eng포커 사이트eer포커 사이트g, procurement, construction and 포커 사이트stallation) contractors of offshore oil and gas projects 포커 사이트 the Asia-Pacific region. The Company is headquartered 포커 사이트 B포커 사이트hai New Area, Tianj포커 사이트. It was listed on Shanghai Stock Exchange (Stock Short Name: COOEC, Stock Symbol: 600583) on February 2002.

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